Securities Analytics Research
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Focused on Securities Litigation Risk of U.S. Public Companies
Specialized securities litigation risk data analytics platform built on vetted technological innovation, back-tested statistical results, anchored by human accountability.

The SAR Platform™ brings the U.S. court-approved event study methodology to insurance professionals, corporate executives, legal counsel, and investment professionals that require best-in-class data analytics to assess securities litigation exposures from financially material corporate diclosures.
Amid increased scrutiny of Directors and Officers facing new risk exposures from event-driven perils — insurers, corporate executives, legal counsel, and investment professionals need to make well-informed decisions that are backed by data science and methodologies accepted by the Federal Judiciary.
The SAR Platformâ„
Identify and monitor financially material corporate disclosures to more accurately evaluate and mitigate securities litigation risks of U.S. public companies
Quantify securities litigation exposure and potential coverage from Adverse Corporate Events that have impacted issuers
Analyze company and event-specific risk exposures from financially material corporate disclosures on a near-real time basis
Estimate the prospective impact of Adverse Corporate Events based on substantive and statistically back-tested empirical analysis of stock price performance